First Post
Thank you for visiting my website! This site is to promote my new novel "The Raven Chronicles: Magic Reborn." I will have an online store up and running in the next few days. Once up, I will have my book for sale, but I will have bookmarks and magnets within the next couple of weeks (hopefully). I plan to do blogs once a week, time permitting. I've already started working on the sequel to Magic Reborn, but I've put that one on hold for now in order to promote Magic Reborn.
I will make this one short and sweet as I am working on getting the site up and ready, but I plan to write a longer blog next time. Please join me in my new and exciting adventure as a fantasy writer. I have ideas as to how the next one will go and it will be a longer novel as well. So stay tuned for future posts and website updates!
Anthony Butler